Though our circumstances have changed dramatically over the past 10 days, we absolutely do not want to miss the opportunity to give PRAISE to God and thanks to YOU for His good gift of “MCS Gala 2020: An Evening of Community and Celebration!”
As we reflect back on March 6, we are truly in awe of God’s perfect timing and plan. In His infinite wisdom, He knew exactly what our community needed, and He provided an extraordinary night of love, laughter, and generosity toward the MCS Mission. Though our current worldwide situation is weighty and difficult, the MCS Mission is now more important than ever. Whether remote or in person, our staff is “building a firm foundation through Christ-centered education” in the hearts and minds of our students. We are harnessing the power of Next Generation Technology to ensure that each child’s spiritual and academic growth continue uninterrupted during this season.
First and foremost, we would like to gratefully acknowledge the remarkable parent volunteers who served with their whole hearts as they dreamed, planned, and executed an unforgettable celebration, accented with beautiful and intentional moments throughout. This event was parent-inspired and parent-led from start to finish, and we couldn’t be more appreciative of their leadership and passion! Amazingly, this team has already begun to dream for the 2021 MCS Gala.
MCS Gala 2020 was an authentic expression of this year’s theme as our school community “REFLECTED THE SON” together:
- Joyful parents, grandparents, and guests enjoying time set aside for encouragement and a united purpose to advance the MCS Vision
- Loving teachers and staff building relationship with parents and each other, sharing their passion for Christian education
- Faithful Administrative leaders warmly welcoming every guest, ushering them into an atmosphere of fun and excitement
- Generous sponsors and donors, giving above and beyond to ensure that our Mission is thriving now and for many years to come…
We are humbled to share that God provided in abundance with a net total of over $300,000 to support MCS spiritual and academic programming needs for the 2020-21 school year! This includes $152,000 in designated funding through our Fund a Need program, which met our goal to equip all 50 MCS classrooms with Next Generation Technology beginning Fall 2020.
As we look to the future that God is building at MCS, we are in awe of His goodness and so thankful to have a supportive body of believers investing in His vision.
Please enjoy a slideshow of professional images showcasing the evening’s festivities!
Also, click here if you would like to watch the “complete” student-produced video from our Fund a Need presentation — you will love the extended version!
Please know that our faculty and staff are in continual prayer for your families as we walk through this uncharted territory together in the coming weeks and months.
With hearts full of gratitude,
Heather, Keven, Julie
On behalf of MCS faculty and staff
Communication with several administrators from local public and private schools, district personnel, and the OCDE to align to best practices and decision making protocols
Consultation with Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) and participation in an update call offered to k-12 schools with continued participation in their weekly update calls to ensure most current guidance is followed
Consulted with health care professionals including pediatric specialists
Continual research monitoring guidance from reputable sources including CDC, WHO, and OCHCA to ensure we are as informed as possible during these rapidly changing circumstances
Update of MCS Emergency Preparedness Plan with a newly established School Closure Response Plan to ensure we are as prepared as possible with a flexible response
Multiple school team meetings to ensure all staff are informed, appropriately trained, and equipped to implement procedures and plans as necessary
Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Click here for handwashing tips from the CDC
Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
Avoid close contact with people who are sick
Cover cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
As always, remain home if symptoms of fever, body aches, chills, respiratory issues are present
Remain home until symptom free for 24 hours
Students or staff with an absence longer than three consecutive days are asked to provide a note from a physician releasing the student back to school
If symptoms present during the school day, the student or staff member will be sent home
All illness-related absences are excused and attendance monitoring procedures have been adjusted accordingly
The MCS Difference Maker Program exists to provide opportunities for students to see the needs in their community and actively meet those needs, impacting the world around them in Jesus’ name. The Difference Maker program has continued to thrive this year, and we are excited to share what God did through our Difference Maker students in the fall semester!
Scrunchies of Joy:
Two of our 8th grade students made and sold scrunchies to raise funds to purchase bus passes for the homeless in our community. They raised over $700 selling scrunchies during our October bake sale and were able to purchase over a hundred bus passes. They are still continuing to make and sell scrunchies to purchase additional bus passes through their Etsy page.
HOPEful Art: In an effort to encourage those who are sick, three 7th graders began a program to collect middle school
artwork to donate to local hospitals. These students are still collecting artwork and will be sending a package to CHLA at the end of the month. They are also working on creating a coloring book to donate to hospitals and at-risk youth as well.
Encouraging Veterans, Active Military, and the Homeless: A team of four 6th grade students hosted a table at our annual Veteran’s Pancake Breakfast for MCS families to write encouragement cards foractive military personnel. Our families wrote 170 cards to be sent in care packages to our military through Operation Interdependence.
These students also organized an all-school food drive including essentials for local food banks as well as treats to go inside the Operation Interdependence care packages. Our MCS families donated over 1800 pounds of food which the students delivered to two local food banks before Thanksgiving.
All-School Toy Drive: Both elementary and middle school students participated in this year’s toy drive to support multiple Difference Maker initiatives. Our middle school students donated and wrapped toys for Project
Giving Light, an organization that supports students living in low socioeconomic areas in our community. Our elementary students collected sports equipment to be donated to Olive Crest for at-risk youth, stuffed animals for chaplins working with local first responders, and toys forProject Giving Light.
Stay tuned for more updates regarding our Difference Maker projects for the second half of the school year!
For more information about our Difference Maker program, please contact Katie Niles at or Angela Drevlow at
Our Pastors Chapel has become a special tradition here at Mariners Christian School. Each year we invite pastors and leaders from the churches our MCS families attend to come and enjoy a breakfast together, and then worship with our students in chapel.
This year our Pastors Breakfast and Chapel is on Monday, March 16.
Our MCS families attend over 75 churches in Orange County, and we’re so grateful for the spiritual impact the church community has on our school community! Each year we send an invitation (via email) to the pastors who work with our middle school and elementary students at these local churches, as well as to the senior pastors.
7:30: Church Leader Breakfast (without students)
8:40: Chapel with MCS Students
Dear MCS Community,
The impact of last weekend’s tragedy is profound and the heartbreak, felt across the community, families, friends and schools, runs deep. God’s Word clearly tells us that we are to carry each other’s burdens (Galatians 6:2), love each other deeply (1 Peter 4:8), devote ourselves to praying for each other, meet one another’s needs (Acts 2) and, if someone falls, we are to help them up (Ecclesiastes 4:10). We want to be a community of believers that actively lives out these callings. It is with this heart that we invite the entire MCS community to participate in Koinonia Color Day next Friday, February 7th.
The Greek word, koinonia, can be translated as community. However, it is more than a word. It is an intention to be in communion or fellowship with one another in a manner that jointly meets a need and unifies the body of Christ. Our Koinonia Color Day will reflect this unified heart to demonstrate love and prayerful support to families and schools directly impacted by loss. We are hopeful that the entire MCS community will participate in the following ways:
- Support with Color Dress: As a grade level, wear the colors of the schools in our community who have experienced the loss of students, parents, and staff. The entire school will assemble for a picture at 8:10am which will be sent with a loving message to our brothers and sisters at these schools.
- TK-1st: Red for St. Margaret’s Episcopal School
- 2nd – 3rd: Blue for Ensign Intermediate
- 4th – 5th: Gold/Yellow for Harbor Day School
- Middle School: Orange for Orange Coast College
- Support with Prayer: By far, this is the most important thing we can do! Following our school wide picture, all students will return to class and be led in a time of community prayer by their teachers. In addition, all parents are invited to attend Parents in Prayer starting at 8:30am in the ASP room to pray together. How beautiful it will be to have our entire community praying, at the same time, for our brothers and sisters.
- Support with Generosity: Students are encouraged to bring in a cash donation of their choosing on this day. Teachers will collect funds which will be donated by MCS to the MambaOnThree Fund created by Vanessa Bryant to honor and support loved ones of the seven other victims of the tragedy.
Let’s be a community that carries burdens, loves deeply, and prays faithfully. Let’s be a community that stands with the hurting, responds willingly to meet needs, and humbly lifts one another up. Let’s be koinonia! Please join us so that we, the entire MCS community, Reflect the Son to those who desperately need to experience God’s comfort and the nearness of Jesus.
In Him,
Heather Harrison
Interim Head of School
- 2 new TK classrooms
- Exterior renovations and enhanced aesthetics
- 6,770 sq. ft. Argyros Center for Worship and Performing Arts; retractable seating for 900 people; state-of-the-art theatre; versatile pre-function/reception; upgraded bathrooms
- Living Legacy Athletic Center
- 2,400 sq. ft. Community Service and Prayer Garden
- 8 new classrooms and 7 new learning spaces
- 6 Arts Conservatory classrooms dedicated to arts education
- 2nd story exterior walkway connecting Middle School classrooms to Arts Conservatory
- Upgraded Middle School locker rooms and Athletic offices
- Elevator
- Structural supports required to cut windows into upstairs exterior walls
- Code-required fire wall
- 15 new parking spaces
God’s provision through generous donors! No Phase I debt!