Dear MCS Parents,
Praying all are well, healthy, and able to fully enjoy this very unique summer. We know God is good and ever-present in every season and I pray you fully experience this truth!
We continue to closely monitor and assess the constantly changing situation so that we are prepared for all situations. This includes studying and understanding governmental guidelines and requirements, necessary protocols to mitigate health risks, and direction from health agencies and the American Academy of Pediatrics. It is important that every member of MCS understands that though we are a private school, there are specific mandates and restrictions we may be required to follow but we will always do so by prioritizing the best interest of our school community. To that end, we are pursuing all possibilities that will allow us to fully reopen school in the fall. These steps include discussions with our school attorney, pursuing the viability then applying for a school re-opening exemption waiver, collaborating with other Christian schools in Orange County to petition local government authorities, and developing a specific plan to achieve the outlined safe re-opening requirements issued by the state of California.
Our collective goal is to re-open for in-school learning this fall. This goal requires much work, preparation, flexibility, and collective action as well as an understanding that all must be continually fluid and flexible.
Preparation for a safe re-opening begins with a comprehensive strategy that considers the best interest of our staff and students. This is of utmost importance and we will not compromise in doing so. It is with this in mind that MCS is planning for the implementation of parallel educational program possibilities for the fall of the 2020-21 school year including both in-school learning and remote learning. In addition to these two programs, we are pursuing other possibilities that could provide in-person learning and support for our students. Every option is being pursued for the benefit of our students and families while maintaining our primary goal and hope to resume in-school learning.
We are confident all program offerings will fulfill our mission and core values with excellence as has been clearly proven. As we pursue all educational program offerings, families will be afforded the opportunity to choose the one program that best meets individual needs for the extent of time options are offered. Specific details regarding each program, any required guidelines and practices, and program enrollment process will be provided no later than mid-August. Providing full details within this timeframe will ensure each family is able to make the best and most informed decision with ample time before the start of the school year on September 15, 2020.
We remain committed to serving our MCS families through every season. We are thankful for the commitment and support from each member of the MCS community. And, we are genuinely grateful for continued grace, patience, flexibility, and trust as we navigate these extremely difficult and very uncertain times together. Please continue to pray with us as we pursue God’s wisdom above all.
In Him,
Heather Harrison
Head of School
Heather Harrison
Head of School