Dear MCS Families,
With just a few days left in the school year, the entire staff is wholly focused on a strong and successful completion to the school year. No doubt, this year brought unexpected challenges and I am grateful for how our staff responded and persevered through these challenges. To say that I am proud of each and every one of them would be an understatement. I am also proud of our students who have risen to the challenge, exhibited great resiliency, and conquered! Our staff couldn’t be more proud of our students. And, I am grateful for the support of the MCS families as we have all truly been in this together. This has been a time for unity and grace within the body of Christ and I thank you for answering that call.
Though our primary focus is rightfully on finishing the year, the 2020-21 school year is in view. As of today, it is our intention to fully return to school in the fall. We look forward to being together and celebrating the opening of our newly completed and expanded building on Meet the Teacher Day, September 15, 2020. We excitedly look forward to welcoming our students back on the first day of school, September 16th!
Given that we are four months away from the start of school, any other decision would be premature and without relevant data. It is important that we all recognize we are in unprecedented times facing situations where no one can be expected to have all of the answers. Over the next few months, we will continue to assess and monitor data, recommendations from health organizations, guidelines provided by government agencies, and evaluate local COVID-19 scientific realities. Please understand, though we are a private school, we must comply with certain governmental issues and mandates. We will remain steadfast in balancing all information with what we believe to be in the best interest of our staff, students, and families. We take seriously the responsibility of protecting the safety and well-being of every member of our community while accomplishing our school’s mission and core values. As always, we will be uncompromising in these efforts.
To be clear, it is, and has always been, the intention and goal to return to school in September. With this current decision in place, it is also prudent and responsible to plan for a variety of scenarios should the situation drastically change. We will act decisively and as necessity dictates. Decisive and quick action was successfully taken this year and will be taken again in the future, if necessary.
Please continue to pray and trust that God has a perfect plan for MCS and each of our families. Let us hold on to peace and “hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful” Hebrews 10:23. God is sovereign and, as always, all of our decisions are prayerful, heeding His direction and wisdom at all times.
In Him,
Heather Harrison