Dear Families,
The first day of school is in the books and what an amazing day it was! We are soaking in God’s goodness, answered prayers, and heavenly blessings! Just as part of our theme verse, Psalm 23 says, our cup overflows. Surely His goodness and love follows us. We hope your child(ren) came home celebrating the day and excited to be back tomorrow!
I want to take a moment to publicly acknowledge and thank our amazing staff. They are, by far, the best team, one that has been assembled by God. Your children are in amazing hands. They will be loved, nurtured, challenged, and known. They will grow spiritually, academically, and relationally. They will thrive and flourish under their care. There is no better staff, of this I am confident and I want to thank each of them for an amazing first day.
I also want to thank all of you, our parent community. Thank you for entrusting your precious children to our care. Thank you for your support and partnership. Thank you for extending grace as we navigate the start of the school year not only in a unique season but at a different location. And thank you for the tremendous blessing of continual prayers.
For the second day of school, we will be making a few adjustments to morning and afternoon carpool. Please review the details provided below.
Morning Carpool
- All cars are to enter off Bonita Canyon. A new route has been created in the parking lot to ease traffic congestion on the street. Staff will direct this routine tomorrow.
- A second line has been created in the parking structure to increase the efficiency of health screening and students exiting cars.
- More carpool ambassadors have been added to assist students after they exit the car.
- Beginning tomorrow, all parents must drop off through carpool. Parents may not park and walk students in.
Afternoon Carpool
- Lanes delineating first and second carpool have been added and a member of the staff will direct traffic accordingly. Ensure you have the correct carpool color sign on your dashboard to help us direct to the correct lane. Orange for carpool 1, Yellow/green for carpool 2.
- Please turn off your engine and keep it off until the car in front of you is moving. Car engines should not be idling at any time.
- Ensure your child knows the correct carpool, first or second, where they will find you.
- All parents must remain in the car at all times.
- Write your family’s last name on the colored sign for easier identification.
Other Reminders:
- Send each child with plenty of water and a large morning snack.
- Elementary students should have a towel with them at school. It will be left at school during the week and sent home on Friday. Please send a towel with your child tomorrow if they did not have one today. Middle school students were not previously asked to bring a towel. We are now encouraging them to do so. Towels are used when on the grass during snack times and chapel.
- MCS Reception has been established in the second floor of the kid’s building. To access, park in the upper lot. The same parking lot where carpool occurs. Because the church is a closed campus, parents may only enter this area during the school day.
The joy and excitement for this year only grows! Looking forward to the year ahead!
For His Name’s Sake,
Heather Harrison
Head of School