Dear MCS Families,
The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, presents our world and the MCS community with an unprecedented public health challenge that can be intensified by uncertainties associated with its spread.
The first, and most important, piece to share is a reminder of God’s constant truth no matter the situation or circumstance. We can find comfort and peace through scriptural promises. And, as a Christian community, now is the time to now only hold to these truths as individuals, but to display them to the world. We are Kingdom citizens and our response can and should reflect the Kingdom. What does that mean? God’s word has plenty to say about this but here are just a few promises to hold on to: 2 Timothy 1:7, Isaiah 41:10, Joshua 1:9, Matthew 6:25-34, and Philippians 4:6-7.
As we hold on to these truths, knowing God is still in control and He is with us, we also must be aware, informed, and wise. We must consider all factors to make decisions that are in the best interest of not only our community, but beyond. Though there are no documented “community transmissions” in Orange County, and the risk remains low, expert analyses of proactive vs reactive school closures have been reviewed and feel it is prudent and responsible to join efforts to help reduce the spread.
It is with this in mind that I share today’s update to the MCS community. Based on multiple factors, it is the belief that proactive community cooperation is needed to stem the spread of this virus. As always, the objective to carry out our educational mission, while ensuring the health and safety of our students, faculty, staff and families remains. Rest assured, all decisions have been made through great prayer, discernment, research, and discussion.
Monday, March 16th, the MCS campus will be closed to students and families.
Tuesday, March 17th, MCS will migrate to remote learning with teachers providing the initial launch including all necessary details of daily schedule and expectations.
Wednesday, March 18th full implementation of remote learning will begin.
In these ever-changing and uncertain conditions, this is the best decision. Transitioning to online learning will bring about some challenges and bumps along the way. We recognize this will bring significant disruption to normal routines. We also recognize the hardship and impact this will present to many families, particularly to households with two working parents. We desire to work closely with all families not only to continue the education of our students with minimal disruption, but to provide flexibility to support the new routines families will have to implement to support online learning.
Next Steps
Friday March 13 teachers will be training our students on how to use the online tools for classwork all students will be sent home with a Home Learning Kit with necessary supplies, curriculum, workbooks, etc.
3rd – 8th grade students will also bring home their school-issued iPad.
TK – 2nd grade students will need their own device with internet access and a camera. If you are in need of a home device, a Google form will be sent shortly for you to let us know.
Students will be taught virtually through Zoom Video Conferencing, Google Classroom, and Schoology depending on grade level. All platforms are compatible with any device (iPad, laptops, Mac, Windows) and are both web and app-based. Teachers will provide more specific information Tuesday, March 17th.
Tuesday March 17, online training tutorials for parents will be available
Divisional Principals will communicate additional details specific to grade levels tomorrow.
At this time, all field trips and large gathering events through April have been cancelled. We will continue to monitor the situation making decisions regarding May events as we arrive closer to that time.
We are not sure how long our campus will remain closed, but anticipate a minimum of 2 week closure. Information will be provided to ensure all families are updated accordingly. Of course, we understand that there are families for which this unforeseen closure presents challenges and we will do our best to accommodate and provide support to those families. We appreciate your prayers and patience as we roll out this program.
Let us all be in fervent prayer together, trusting God is in control.
In prayer,
Heather Harrison
Interim Head of School
Additional resources:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: https://www.cdc.gov/
World Health Organization FAQ: https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses