Maker Education

Innovation is Everywhere

Our Maker Education program is the bedrock of our Culture of Innovation. Our goal is for students to eventually be able to identify needs of others and to use their skills and interests that have been honed in the Makerspace in order to meet that need. As a school, we encourage our students to be Difference Makers in all of their communities. Through the combination of focusing on the needs of others, learning specific skills, and identifying their passions, our students of all ages know that they truly can make a difference.

“He is the Maker of heaven and earth.”
Psalm 146:6

MCS elementary girls Makerspace


We encourage students to discover their passions and interests by giving them time to explore robotics, coding, engineering, sewing, building, designing, and STEM activities.


We want our students to understand that they are all Makers and that God has blessed each one of them with different talents and interests.
Mariners Christian School TK designers


We teach our students the Design Thinking Process in which they learn to design and create something with the needs of another person as the focus. The steps in this process are Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test.


Through exploration in Makerspace, students are practicing the 21st century skills of communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking.

300 Fischer Avenue
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Phone 714.437.1700 • Fax 714.437.7976
© 2021, Mariners Christian School. All rights reserved.